Download the Programmer Software Windows - 1257 KB. also can be replaced with other they only published normal version program, the enhanced version should be publish soon.
the USB to RS232 converter PL2303 is a nice IC, you can operate it as normal serial port. for the normal version the ISP Part is no needed. this DIY circuit has two version, one is normal, U4 use 89S52, and the other is enhanced, U4 use SST89C58. I think you cantact with them should be better, I hate my poor english(only can see, can't write or speak.) HaHa~ = in the sheet, the valume of resistor R10 depend of voltage VPP, you can see, Q1 same as a switches, when Q1 is on, VPP should be 14.3V ( +/- 0.3V ) and when Q1 is off, VPP should be 12.3V ( +/- 0.3V ). or just tell if something important is mentionedĪjay - I can only translate the chinese part of schametic sheet, but more detail you can email to ask the SP200S product. can you please translate the written stuff.